Upcoming Classes:
Currently we do not have any classes scheduled.
Please contact comments@georgiapoisoncenter.org or
404-616-9235 if you are interested in scheduling a class in your area.
Program Description: Describes the medical impact of various chemical poisons. It will provide a framework to enhance recognition of the common health effects of apparently disparate chemical toxins, describe the risk to various healthcare workers, and introduce clinical and public health management strategies. The traditional military warfare chemical agents will not be covered in these lectures.
Target Audience: This one-day course is intended for pre-hospital care providers and first receivers as well as public health responders (e.g. physicians, nurses, paramedics, and law enforcement).
Fees: No Fees are charged for CE activities
After the completion of this training course participants will be able to:
- Understand the concept of radiological and chemical agents of opportunity (AoO)
- Identify possible terrorist use and discuss past mass exposure to AoO
- Describe the major health effects of agents of opportunity
- Identify the unique patterns of injury that chemical explosions can cause including thermal injuries
- Identify primary treatment modalities for victims
- Appreciate the basis for increased public health preparedness for these agents
- Understand the psychological impact of mass casualties from such exposures
- Ziad Kazzi, MD