The Georgia Poison Center (GPC) is a 24-hour poison emergency information service as well as a poisoning education resource for health care professionals and residents of Georgia. Thousands of Georgians benefit each year from the Poison Center’s services.
Poison Hotline
- did you, your child, or someone you know swallow something out of the ordinary? (medicine, a household cleaner, a small battery, bad food, etc.)
- was someone bitten or stung by a spider, bee, any other insect, or even a snake?
- did you, your child, or someone you know inhale an unknown fume?
- did someone get exposed to a poison on their skin or in their eyes?
Drug Information Center
- ask us questions about the medicines you take
- do you need a pill identified?
- are you breastfeeding? ask us whether your newborn could be affected by the medicine your’re taking
- ask us questions that you would ask a nurse or a doctor!
Rabies Information Center
- did an animal bite you?
- was this a pet or a stray?
Public Education
- we do community events. do you need us to participate in a health or safety fair? do you need us to lecture your group on the dangers of poisons?
- do you need to order poison stickers, brochures, or other education materials from us?
- would you like to become a volunteer poison instructor and help us spread the word on how to be poison safe?
Professional Education
- we offer trainings in the areas of Advanced Hazmat Life Support, Radiological Preparedness, Nuclear Preparedness and Explosion & Blast Injuries
- we have prepared lectures on a variety of poisons that we give to hospital personnel, fire and rescue personnel, and other professional groups